Warning: Spoilers Ahead

Since the discussed shows have already aired and have been online for a few days, we are comfortable including spoilers in our posts. This is not a review but rather a discussion site, and what discussion is complete if only part of the show is up for grabs?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Supernatural 405: Monster Movie

With Heaven and Hell on their backs, the Winchester Brothers deserved a good, old-fashioned monster hunt. This episode, however, was more style than substance, and the style portion was phoned in.

Dean saw Sam's secrecy as a major betrayal, but their relationship jolted back to normal in this episode, as if nothing ever happened. I know I complained last week that the Rugaru's plight resembled Sam's, but I prefer that to this--no plot is propelled forward by "Monster Movie." Oh, except--Dean "loses his virginity."

The monster is simply another shapeshifter who identifies with monster movie monsters, especially Dracula. The damsel in distress is an average-looking, charisma-less waitress (yes, she may be hot in real life but not in the Supernatural universe, where models litter the street). Better a waitress than a demon, though, right, Sam?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This ep was actually filmed as 4.03, but the network changed the viewing order. Knowing that, it may make more sense in terms of the boys' emotional arcs.

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