Warning: Spoilers Ahead

Since the discussed shows have already aired and have been online for a few days, we are comfortable including spoilers in our posts. This is not a review but rather a discussion site, and what discussion is complete if only part of the show is up for grabs?

Friday, September 19, 2008

America's Next Top Model 1103

Freak of the Week: Hannah

I was about to suggest a pinching game (see drinking game but substitute pinching; both are more fun with an audience > 1 person) where the trigger would be Hannah blabbering about growing up without electricity. If that were truly foreground in her thoughts, she should exhibit more awe about the pad's appliances. I hope by now she lives with electricity and was more than awestruck by the show's effects-laden premiere. Episode 2, however, may have convinced me to broaden the scope of my lame game to include anything dumb that comes out of Hannah's mouth.

This week the drama stemmed from Hannah's comment, "I’m just the stereotype white person . . . I don’t really like rap music. I’m not really loud and I don’t like walk in a room and I’m like HEEEYYYY!" I asked out loud, "What exactly is a stereotypical white person?" when my husband provided me a reference. Obama had at least defined "typical white person" a while back, if not a "stereotype white person": someone--as exemplified by Obama's grandmother--who still harbors fears when passing a black man on the street.

What is scarier than passing a black man on the street? A black pre-op transgender, who photographs better than Hannah, drifting too close to Hannah in the hot tub.

At least we get some insight as to "stereotype black" with Hannah's comments as well as when Miss Jay tells Nikeysha she needs "fried chicken and a watermelon chaser." Yikes.

Is Hannah really a racist, does her mouth run on autopilot, or is she being slandered by her roommates? She was tearfully concerned about being labeled a racist, as she should be even for the most selfish of reasons--she probably won't get far in the fashion/modeling industry if she pushes away everyone who does not share her viewpoint. She has shown little verbal tolerance for her "sexual" roommates. I think she meant "homosexual" rather than "sexual," which shows occasional speech restraint on Hannah's part, or just great, suggestive editing by trailing the Elina-Clark kiss with that soul-bearing comment.

"Racist" to me is an ambiguous label when it comes from people I do not know. It lumps in every type of racist that is out there. While people may disagree as to what the worst kind of racist is, I think that racism through ignorance is the easiest to cure, as long as the racist is capable of processing thoughts and experiences.

So far, Hannah's racism seems to stem from ignorance. She cannot utter a sentence without lowering Alaskan reputation by association and showcasing her own ignorance. Ganging up on her is like gang rape/gang violence? If either of those ever happen to her, which I do not hope on anyone, she will know. But I'll be damned if ANTM doesn't teach her a lesson before she gets booted--which you know, will be before Isis.

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