And what did NY Fashion readers think about the designs themselves?

Uncredited Jeremy Scott model or McKey? Did Jeremy modify the blindfold idea, or was it the other way 'round? He did steal the curtain idea, though, from Scarlett O'Hara.
44% find this look fabulous.

Analeigh's definitely got the healthier proportions.
88% find this look fabulous.

When Jeremy dissed how Samantha pulled up his dress, I thought he could have avoided the problem by making the dress more like a dress and not a shirt.
73% find this look fabulous.

I'd say hello, Riddler, except Jeremy has a dress even more Riddler.
32% find this look fabulous.

Money and Time? What is this, Dark Side of the Moon?
55% find this look fabulous.

Hands down Sheena.
76% find this look fabulous.

Only the hardiest of people can pull off this dress, so kudos to both.
45% find this look fabulous.

To think Joslyn was only rewarded with a one-dimensional Kira Plastinina shoot.
55% find this look fabulous.

Why didn't ANTM release an official runway photo of Clark? Shafted!
46% find this look fabulous.

I was right that Hannah would leave before Isis, but just barely.
64% find this look fabulous.

Even without a full frontal shot, I know Isis rocked this better. I hope she works out her insecurities and that we see more of her in the future.
35% find this look fabulous.
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