Warning: Spoilers Ahead

Since the discussed shows have already aired and have been online for a few days, we are comfortable including spoilers in our posts. This is not a review but rather a discussion site, and what discussion is complete if only part of the show is up for grabs?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Heroes 304: I Am Become Death

Being a Heroes watcher but not avid follower & theorist, I am having a lot of difficulty keeping track of the various futures. At least all of us who thought the woman in the paintings resembled Daphne were correct, and some watchmakers/watch repairers out there are pretty psyched.

As for Sylar, sweet Sylar, I have one word for "Gabriel" kissing his dog: ROFL. I suppose there was no way to keep the bad boy a villain forever, because he is pretty much unstoppable. He had to have survived the Costa Mesa explosion if Claire did, but I'm not sure we're returning to that future again.

I have a suggestion for Peter. Since he can absorb anyone's powers, why doesn't he just (1) absorb, (2) cut open his own head, (3) look into a mirror and figure things out, and then (4) heal himself. That way he can satisfy his hunger into learning how things work, plus not hurt anyone. If he wants to understand more than just powers, I can't help him there, but what more does he really need? He can read minds. He can dissect his own brain. If he's still hungry, he should lick the brain of a McDonald's "cook."

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