Warning: Spoilers Ahead

Since the discussed shows have already aired and have been online for a few days, we are comfortable including spoilers in our posts. This is not a review but rather a discussion site, and what discussion is complete if only part of the show is up for grabs?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Supernatural 403: In the Beginning

That's young Jeffrey Dean Morgan to the left, and Matt Cohen, who plays young John Winchester, to the right. Not too bad. In fact, young Jeffrey Dean looks a bit like Dean.

As much as I felt for the young Winchesters and the Campbell family, I wished the show would tread the path less taken. Young Mary sealed the deal with the yellow-eyed demon for the life of John, who was killed by the demon only moments before. This bargain-for-life deal has been done in this show so many times before that I was hoping for something more intricate. But, everything must have its precedent, and so we begin at (possibly) the first such deal made in the Winchester family.

This was an emotional episode, and I felt as Dean did when he returned to the future; I was really disappointed that he couldn't change anything, and that his parents weren't alive. I suppose I will have to watch Season 2's "What Is and What Should Never Be" for my fix of the near-perfect Winchester life.

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